Derrell Lipman wrote:
> The amalgamation probably installed into some directory not in your path.
> You should look at where it installed (re-run ../configure and look at its
> output, which should tell you where it will install to. For Ubuntu, you
> almost certainly want it to install into /usr/local with the executable
> going into /usr/local/bin. If it chose some path other than /usr/local, you
> probably want to remove it from wherever it installed to.
> Next, remove the Ubuntu-provided version of sqlite3 since you won't need it
> any longer:
>   sudo apt-get remove sqlite3

The amalgamation builds by default into /usr/local, but the apt package 
goes into /usr. Since some other packages have sqlite3 as a dependency, 
it's best not to remove the original install, but rather to overwrite 
it; otherwise installing new packages may end up "restoring" the old 
version. Simply configure with --prefix=/usr.

Note that the main problem isn't the search path for executables; it's 
the search path for dynamic libraries.

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