Thanks for the explanation.  I recall seeing posts suggesting the use
of union instead of or, and thought "if it's that easy, why doesn't
SQLite do it?"  The optimizer documentation says:

Suppose the OR clause consists of multiple subterms as follows:

      expr1 OR expr2 OR expr3

If every subterm of an OR clause is separately indexable and the
transformation to an IN operator described above does not apply, then
the OR clause is coded so that it logically works the same as the

      rowid IN (SELECT rowid FROM table WHERE expr1
                UNION SELECT rowid FROM table WHERE expr2
                UNION SELECT rowid FROM table WHERE expr3)

The implemention of the OR clause does not really use subqueries. A
more efficient internal mechanism is employed. The implementation also
works even for tables where the "rowid" column name has been
overloaded for other uses and no longer refers to the real rowid. But
the essence of the implementation is captured by the statement above:
Separate indices are used to find rowids that satisfy each subterm of
the OR clause and then the union of those rowids is used to find all
matching rows in the database.

It sounds like it might use indexes for an OR after all.


On 5/8/09, Igor Tandetnik <> wrote:
> "Jim Wilcoxson" <> wrote
> in message
>> I don't know if it makes any difference, but is that where clause the
>> same as:
>> WHERE name< 'zUmM' OR (name= 'zUmM' AND< 8122)
> SQLite's optimizer cannot use an index for any condition involving OR.
> That's why it's common to write an equivalent but somewhat unnatural
> name <= 'zUmM' AND (name< 'zUmM' OR< 8122)
> This way, at least the first condition has a chance of being satisfied
> with an index.
> Igor Tandetnik
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