On 27/05/2009 1:09 AM, Leo Freitag wrote:
> Hallo,
> I got some problems with a select on a foreign key with value null.
> I want to filter all male singers.
> CREATE TABLE 'tblsinger' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 'name' TEXT, 
> 'fkvoice' INTEGER, 'sex' TEXT);
> INSERT INTO "tblsinger" VALUES(1,'Anna Netrebko',1, 'f');
> INSERT INTO "tblsinger" VALUES(2,'Hanna Schwarz',2, 'f');
> INSERT INTO "tblsinger" VALUES(3,'Luciano Pavarotti', 3, 'm');
> INSERT INTO "tblsinger" VALUES(4,'Robert Lloyd', 4, 'm');
> INSERT INTO "tblsinger" VALUES(5,'Robby Williams', null, 'm');
> CREATE TABLE 'tblvoice' ('id' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, 'voice' TEXT);
> INSERT INTO "tblvoice" VALUES(1,'sopran');
> INSERT INTO "tblvoice" VALUES(2,'alt');
> INSERT INTO "tblvoice" VALUES(3,'tenor');
> INSERT INTO "tblvoice" VALUES(4,'bass');
> SELECT tblsinger.name, tblsinger.sex, tblvoice.voice FROM tblsinger, 
> tblvoice
> WHERE tblsinger.sex = 'm' AND tblsinger.fkvoice = tblvoice.id;
> -- Result
> Luciano Pavarotti | m | tenor
> Robert Lloyd      | m | bass
> -- How do I have to modify the select statement to get the result below:
> Luciano Pavarotti | m | tenor
> Robert Lloyd      | m | bass
> Robby Williams    | m |

sqlite> select s.name, s.sex, v.voice from tblsinger s left outer join 
tblvoice v on s.fkvoice = v.id where s.sex = 'm';
Luciano Pavarotti|m|tenor
Robert Lloyd|m|bass
Robby Williams|m|

With "visible NULL":

sqlite> select s.name, s.sex, ifnull(v.voice, 'UNKNOWN') from tblsinger 
s left outer join tblvoice v on s.fkvoice = v.id where s.sex = 'm';
Luciano Pavarotti|m|tenor
Robert Lloyd|m|bass
Robby Williams|m|UNKNOWN

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