2009/6/2 J. King <jk...@jkingweb.ca>
> On Tue, 02 Jun 2009 07:40:01 -0400, Karl Brandt <brandk...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm trying to set the conflict resolution of an entire transaction by
> > using the ON CONFLICT clause without success.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > Is there a way to set the conflict resolution for an entire transaction?
> Such a thing is not possible.  You may specify a conflict resolution on a
> given statement (eg. 'INSERT OR ROLLBACK') or on a table (on PRIMARY KEY,
> NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraints), but not on a transaction.

Thanks for the info.

Let me explain the complete picture so someone can help me.

I develop a wrapper around sqlite that tracks the changed records and
than save the changes to the database by building and executing a SQL
query (a transaction).

Currently it executes the SQL and check the return value.
If the return value is different from SQLITE_OK it executes a
separated ROLLBACK command so another transaction can be started.

The problem is that after the ROLLBACK command, sqlite3_errmsg will
return "no error", giving the user no clues of what happened.

I tried INSERT OR ROLLBACK syntax but it will work only for
SQLITE_CONSTRAINT. I would need to handle also SQLITE_ERROR.

So there's a way to check if a transaction failed (for constraint or
another error) and than rollback without clearing the error message
returned by sqlite3_errmsg?

Thanks in advance.

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