Pavel Ivanov wrote:
> I'd create another special file (maybe even database) that will keep
> information about current file that your program should be working
> with. So separate process will create new database and then update
> this file. And program will just read this file and then work with
> database mentioned in the file. If you work on Unix you even will not
> have problems deleting old databases - after updating this special
> file just unlink old database and after last file handle to it is
> closed it will be gone...
Hi Pavel

Thanks for your (blazing fast) reply.  I did think of something like 
this though I was thinking of something like a sqlite database file to 
store the recent file.  That said, I was concerned about a couple of things:
* I guess there could be times when I would get database busy errors - 
but that can be dealt with using a minor delay if it happens.
* Getting rid of the old files - I'm on Windows and would need to see 
the equivalent way of your Unix suggestion.

But this does seem like an interesting way to proceed!  We have used 
SQLite for other things in this system and it really seems faster 
compared to an un-optimized instance of PostgreSQL running on the server.

6/9/2009 | 3:24 AM.

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