> You could be storing event duration, not stop time.  Or perhaps store  
> both.

Here is what I have so far:

sqlite> create table events (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name, kind, 
start, end);

# Now add some events for "tomorrow"
insert into events values (null, 'tom', 'hour', datetime('now', '+1
day','start of day', '+11 hours'), datetime('now', '+1 day','start of
day', '+12 hours'));
sqlite> insert into events values (null,
'tom', 'hour', datetime('now', '+1 day','start of day', '+9 hours'),
datetime('now', '+1 day','start of day', '+10 hours'));
insert into events values (null, 'joe', 'hour', datetime('now', '+1
day','start of day', '+9 hours'), datetime('now', '+1 day','start of
day', '+10 hours'));

# Now add an all-day event for tomorrow.  (It overlaps a couple of above 
sqlite> insert into events values (null,
'tom', 'day', datetime('now', '+1 day','start of day'), datetime('now',
'+1 day','start of day', '+1 day'));

# Show all events and duration:
sqlite> select *, (strftime('%s', end) -  strftime('%s', start)) as length from 
id                    name                  kind                  start         
        end                   length    
--------------------  --------------------  --------------------  
--------------------  --------------------  ----------
1                     tom                   hour                  2009-06-13 
11:00:00   2009-06-13 12:00:00   3600      
2                     tom                   hour                  2009-06-13 
09:00:00   2009-06-13 10:00:00   3600      
3                     joe                   hour                  2009-06-13 
09:00:00   2009-06-13 10:00:00   3600      
4                     tom                   day                   2009-06-13 
00:00:00   2009-06-14 00:00:00   86400    

# And now, I want to get a result table with one row per user showing the 
"shortest active at 9:30 AM event" for each user.

select *, min((strftime('%s', end) -  strftime('%s', start))) as length
   ...> events where 
   ...> start < datetime('now', '+1 day','start of day',
'+9 hours','+30 minutes') 
   ...> and end >  datetime('now', '+1 day','start
of day', '+9 hours','+30 minutes')
   ...> group by name;

id                    name                  kind                  start         
        end                   length    
--------------------  --------------------  --------------------  
--------------------  --------------------  ----------
3                     joe                   hour                  2009-06-13 
09:00:00   2009-06-13 10:00:00   3600      
4                     tom                   day                   2009-06-13 
00:00:00   2009-06-14 00:00:00   3600      

However this result returned is very wrong.    The length col is correct but 
the other cols for "tom" are wrong.  (It should be "2 | tom | hour | 2009-06-13 
09:00:00 | 2009-06-13 10:00:00 | 3600" )

What am I missing here?  Am I doing the query wrong?

Thank you,


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