Dear Roger,

your revelation is rather shocking for me, because my sqlite.el
library took easily one week of work when I wrote it (and has actually
worked very well so far). I was completely aware it is not intended as
the standard way for programs to access an SQLite database, but I had
actually assumed this was exclusively a performance issue (which is
BTW unnoticeable in my modest application - commands which call the
sqlite interface seem extremely fast). So, is this a dead end?

  > I'd recommend you use the C interface. Elisp has a foreign
  > function interface (aka FFI) which lets you call C shared
  > libraries directly rather easily.

This also shocked me when I read this because of course I had inquired
about the options before going ahead (though I'm not sure whether here
or on, and was told this would mean hacking Emacs'
source code, something I am definitely not able to do.

However, I have searched the Net for the interface you are mentioning,
but to no avail so far (the impression is rather that SXEmacs, an
XEmacs clone unbeknownst to me so far, does have one, but not so GNU
Emacs). FFI apparently being a general term, can anyone tell me the
proper name of this interface?

Best regards,


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