Hello folks, 
I am having trouble understanding one very important concept about IN operator. 
Let me show you my situation below. 

sqlite> select sqlite_version();
Here is my table schema

        (device_id varchar(40) NOT NULL, table_group_id integer, table_id 
         role integer, create_ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 
         FOREIGN KEY (table_id,table_group_id) REFERENCES tables(id, group_id), 
         FOREIGN KEY (device_id) REFERENCES users(device_id),  
         PRIMARY KEY (device_id, table_group_id, table_id)); 

select  table_group_id , table_id  from players join registrations on 
players.device_id = registrations.device_id  where mesg_token='123456';

table_group_id  table_id
--------------  ----------
1               1
1               2

Now I need to select all players who happened to be playing at the same table  
(table_id,table_group_id) REFERENCES tables(id, group_id). 

Obviously something like that doesn't work: 

select * from players where (table_group_id,table_id) in (select  
table_group_id , table_id  from players join registrations on players.device_id 
= registrations.device_id  where mesg_token='123456')

-It would work only with ONE field.

select * from players where table_group_id in (select  table_group_id from 
players join registrations on players.device_id = registrations.device_id  
where mesg_token='123456') and table_group_id in (select table_id ...) 

it is not quite the same as it will not match the pair. 
Same puzzles me with self join route. I hate to mindlessly  traverse all pairs 
using code, rather having one transaction.

I appreciate any help and suggestions. 


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