
Having spent "some" time trying to have this function work with dll 
extensions, I've come to the [I hope 'wrong'] conclusion that it's 
unusable in such case.  Indeed, the docs mentions "statically linked 
extension".  Can someone confirm it won't auto load extensions when 
they reside in dll(s)?

I find this very unfortunate because, as I already said in an previous 
message that nobody answered, this leaves users of third-party database 
managers in the mud, to keep it polite.

The rationale behind the design choice seems a little backward to 
me.  Again I would like to be wrong but, as I understand it, the auto 
loading of extension(s) is reserved to compiled programs having the 
extension(s) statically linked within their code.  If it is actually 
the case then I see little point in the function, since the main 
program knows which extension(s) it embeds, how to load and could do so 
when openning any new database.
At the same time, those who have to rely on shared modules (.dll or .so 
or whatever) can't use it and must register each extension for each 
attached database.  The worst case is for third-party DB manager: then 
it belongs to the users to load every extension needed for every base 
they use.

Is this something that can be addressed, either today using a smart 
workaround or in some release in the near future, because I find it to 
be an utterly irritating inconvenience.

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