On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 05:12:18PM -0700, Cory Nelson wrote:

> Unfortunately, no.  A correct toupper/tolower would require locale
> support and passing in a string pointer, not a char.  Even a wide
> character can't store all the information needed to make something
> upper/lower.

OK, maybe different way then:

There is - in SQLite's TCL API - a "collate" method:

  This method registers new text collating sequences. There are two
  arguments: the name of the collating sequence and the name of a TCL
  procedure that implements a comparison function for the collating sequence.

  For example, the following code implements a collating sequence called
  "NOCASE" that sorts in text order without regard to case:

    proc nocase_compare {a b} {
      return [string compare [string tolower $a] [string tolower $b]]
    db collate NOCASE nocase_compare

Perhaps could be possible to add to that API something like external
"tolower/toupper" methods, that could be registered from within TCL?
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski
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