Quite wrong.   Searching a B-Tree is relatively inexpensive but node 
splits are expensive.

Inserting a non-terminal key in a part filled leaf node is cheap, 
inserting a terminal key is more expensive and a split is more expensive 

The reason we spend the extra resources maintaining B-tree indices is 
because they maintain the keys in sorted sequence.  If maintaining keys 
in order is not required a hashing method can be faster.

Our fastest B-Tree indices use the virtual memory capability of the OS 
as cache and perform very well.by avoiding buffer shadowing and 
maximizing utilization of physical memory..

Kosenko Max wrote:
> Expenses in B-Tree not in the node splitting (that is really not that often
> and takes small amount of time). As I've said - it's in finding right place
> to insert.
> Root level which takes 1 page will do the same as your hash index. And will
> use much less space in cache. This root page in such DB will always be in
> cache. So you won't gain any advantage at all. And multi-threading also
> won't use the benefit of multiply tables. At least in SQLite.
> That method called partitioning. It gives advantages when partitions divided
> by some logic and there is a high chance to hit fewer partitions in average.
> It also can benefit a bit in case RDBMS supports real parallel execution and
> you have a lot of hard drives. That is not the case with SQLite (well you
> can compile without thread safety and try to do own locks).
> I have actually posted a real proposal to make DB much faster. That will
> work.
> Proposal with 100 tables as a hash buckets doesn't works and I've checked
> that a lot of time ago.
> You have a sample where it works and gives any visible benefit? I'd like to
> see that.
> My another addition to proposal is to use SSD with as small as possible
> average access time. Some of them can easily do 50-100x faster. And that
> will give 20-50x times faster inserts.
> Thank you.
> Max.
> John Stanton-3 wrote:
>> This technique is used extensively in disk cacheing and in maintaining 
>> file directories with huge numbers of files..
>> I would expect it toincrease key insertion speed because it removes a 
>> level of index in the B-tree of each index.  The expensive activity in a 
>> B-tree index insertion is a node split which requires that key 
>> information be updated in each internal node level and possibly a new 
>> level added.  Fewer levels mean faster performance.
>> This method could also be used to add parallelism by having multiple 
>> threads or processes perform insertions concurrently.  Having each 
>> database in a separate databases would help this approach.
>> It would also help with concurrent read accesses.
>> If this application only has one table and does not need SQL then there 
>> are better solutions than using Sqlite and paying the price for its many 
>> features but not using them.

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