On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:52 AM, Raeldor<ray.pr...@gartner.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a syntax in FTS3 to perform an exact match?  I
> couldn't see any examples in the sqlite documentation for this, but I think
> there are some operators (*) that are not covered in that documentation.

Not sure what you mean by "exact match".  "SELECT docid FROM fts_table
WHERE col MATCH 'string'" will return docids for rows which contain
'string'.  It's not "exact" in the sense that by default matching is

If you need to find "eXact", then fts can't do it directly, but you
could do post-processing.  Maybe "SELECT docid, col FROM fts_table
WHERE col MATCH 'eXact' HAVING col LIKE '%eXact%'".  That would also
match cases where "exact" is present as a word and "eXact" is a
substring of a larger string.  My syntax might be wrong, but the
overall picture should be something like that.  Also, you could of
course use AND instead of HAVING (I used HAVING mainly because I want
the fts index for finding the possibilities then the expression to
filter them).

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