On 2/07/2009 11:00 AM, yaconsult wrote:
> Most of the queries I've done so far have been pretty straightforward
> and it's worked very well.  But, now I need to do one that's taking
> too long.  There's probably a better way than the one I'm using.
> The problem is that I need to produce information for the timeslots
> that are missing as well as those that are there.
> For example, I need to be able to evaluate the effect of different
> load balancers, so I want to compare the numbers of transactions on
> all the ports.   I need to do so on a second by second basis so I can
> see the most detail and not an average.
> I thought one way do do this would be with a self-join because
> there are so many transactions that I'm pretty sure that all seconds
> will be present in the table.  I also considered creating a second
> table derived from the first whenever it's updated that would have a
> unix epoch entry for each second within the log file. 

Consider filling in zeroes for missing timeslots in the script that's 
processing the results of a simple only-non-missing-timeslots query:

Assuming the results come out in time order: I dunno about perl, but in 
Python I'd read the results in a generator which maintained a one-line 
history and yielded missing or non-missing slot data as appropriate. You 
can get the same effect without generators, it's just a bit awkward/ugly.

If results not in order, either USE ORDER BY or for a daily report 
prepopulate an array with 24*60*60 slots containing zero, fill in with 
your query results, process the array.

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