Stan Bielski wrote:
> In the course of copying a largish (20 GB) database file while
> accessing it via sqlite3, the machine became very unresponsive. I
> opened task manager and found that the system was using a huge amount
> of virtual memory, causing it to thrash. Per-process memory usage
> looked normal and did not add up to anywhere near system-wide VM
> usage.
If you can, use the filemon tool:

This should give you a picture of who is opening the file and with what 
flags.  In particular, how is your SQLite app and Explorer opening the file?

Filemon can generate a painful amount of output, but it may be worth it 
to see what is going on.

Do you have task manager set to show processes from all users?

When you say "huge amount of virtual memory", what exactly do you mean?  
What statistic in task manager are you referring to?

When you get in this situation, what process is using the most CPU?  Is 
the system CPU bound or I/O bound?

Don't forget the perfmon tool.  It can be helpful in figuring out these 
kinds of problems as well.

When you say the system is sluggish, does that mean the mouse is 
sluggish?  Apps won't start?  IE is unresponsive?  Can you be a little 
more specific?  Note that when copying or even using big files like 
this, you can overrun the cache manager.  It will be filled with data 
from your file forcing out everything else of use.  It can take awhile 
for the system to recover from this.  Some AV products will create this 
situation when they do a system wide scan for example.
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