On 22 Jul 2009, at 6:29pm, scabral wrote:

> The OS is Windows XP.  I know some VB script, some pearl and i'v  
> used Visual
> VB and C# as well.

Post on programming fora about VB (I assume you mean Visual Basic)  
(whichever version you're using) about accessing SQLite databases.   
They'll tell you how to get started.

Do not get involved in the C# interface to SQLite unless you're  
willing to spend many hours writing your program.  The way you asked  
your question suggests you don't have the experience you'd need.

Note: it's important that you understand that if you have multiple  
computers all accessing data in one database, there will be a server  
involved here.  Whether that server is a file server, or a web server,  
or you write one yourself, you won't be able to get away from having  
one somewhere.

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