On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 01:30:58PM -0700, scabral wrote:
> Hi,
> does someone have 'good' instructions on what i need and how i need to
> install SQLite on Windows XP?
> I eventually want to create a desktop application to run on SQLite, but not
> sure what language i want to use yet (pythong, ruby, etc...)
> the instructions on the SQLite website are pretty crappy to say the least.
> When i download the zip file, all i get is 3 txt files???

you did something wrong.  This file


from  http://sqlite.org/download.html
contains the precompiled windows binary
and this page, referenced from where the above link is
tells you how to get started

utilizing sqlite from a language requires this file
and you have to install the appropriate bindings for your lang of choice
or configure your compilation to utilize the dll
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