Hi guys,

This is my first post. I am creating a simple document archiving program
for small businesses. I am creating it in a scripting language called
www.autohotkey.com. I intend to place the SQLite database file on a
network share and use sqlite.dll to access and manipulate it.

In general, everything is on a relatively small scale: there will be less
than 10 users who will occasionally interact with the database, there will
be around 4 tables and based on experience with a similar system, I don't
expect a total of more than 50000 records after a few years of use. The
client computers will be Windows XP or newer and the database file will be
located on a network share on a Windows 2000 server or newer.

1. I have read that the file locking mechanisms on older windows networks
are not very reliable and that it is not advisable to use SQLite on NFS or
network shares. Given the robustness and efficiency of SQLite and the low
frequency of use of my application, do I still need to worry about placing
the database on a network share?

2. Should I modify any of the default settings to better suit this

3. I am having problems reading and writing international characters to
and from the database, specifically the norwegian characters æ, ø and å.
If I use sqlite.exe to create a records containing æ, ø or å, I can read
the record using sqlite.exe without any problems. Likewise, if I use
SQLiteSpy to create a record containing ø, æ or å I can read the record
using SQLiteSpy without any problems. But if I create a record in
sqlite.exe and try to read it with SQLiteSpy or vice versa, it doesn't
work as expected and the special characters are converted to all sorts of
oddball symbols like squares and question marks. I assume this is somehow
due to different ASCII/UTF encodings, but how can these problems be

4. Select commands are case sensitive with æ, ø and å. Is there a simple
workaround for this?


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