RB Smissaert wrote:
> Have 2 tables with both one text field called term and need to run a
> SQL like this, to count the records in table1 where the start of term
> in table1 equals a term in table2:
> select
> count(a.rowid)
> from table1 a inner join table2 b on
> (lower(b.term) = lower(substr(a.term,1,length(b.term))))

Try writing the condition as

a.term collate nocase between b.term and b.term || 'Z'

Replace 'Z' with a character that compares above any characters that may 
appear in your strings. If in doubt, try using CAST(X'EFBFBF' as text) 
(this is U+FFFF represented in UTF-8, and should compare greater than 
anything valid). Make sure there is an index with collate nocase on 
a.term (an index on b.term won't be helpful).

Igor Tandetnik

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