On 15/09/2009 7:25 PM, Kermit Mei wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 17:37 +1000, John Machin wrote:
>> On 15/09/2009 4:47 PM, Kermit Mei wrote:
>>> sqlite> SELECT HomeDev.text, ZPhDev.id
>>>    ...> FROM ZPhDev
>>>    ...> INNER JOIN HomeDev ON (HomeDev.id = ZPhDev.id)
>> Are you sure that you mean ZPhDev.id in the ON clause?? 
> Oh,I'm sorry, that should be :
> JOIN HomeDev ON (HomeDev.id = ZPhDev.HomeDevId) ORDER By HomeDev.text;
>> If so, what's 
>> the point of having the ZPhDev.HomeDevId which isn't used and whose name 
>> suggests that it should be used? 

You didn't answer this question:

     >> If not, what's the point of having
     >> ZphDev.id? Could the second table be collapsed into an isaZPhDev
     >> (true/false) column in the first table?

>>> Then, How can I speed up this kind of operation?
>> Standard advice: ensure that you have indexes on whatever the join 
>> columns should be. You might get more help if you showed the CREATE 
>> TABLE (including pk and any other constraints) and CREATE INDEX 
>> statements, and added a note about the relationship between the two tables.

And the relationship between the tables is ......??

> The homeDev table:
> CREATE TABLE HomeDev (color TEXT, secId NUMERIC, background TEXT,
> pageNum int, icon_y int, icon_x int, size_y int, size_x int, pos_y int,
> pos_x int, id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, text varchar(15), icon varchar(50),
> type int);
> The ZPhDev table:

No relationship comments, no foreign key clause, ... no useful info.

> How can I create index for them?

With a CREATE INDEX statement. Please consider reading an SQL text ... 
anyone have any suggestions for Kermit?

HomeDev.id already has an index, automatically created because it is a 
primary key and in this case it's not an extra index, it's the rowid index.

>>>  Use view like this:
>>> sqlite> CREATE VIEW ZHview AS
>>>    ...> SELECT HomeDev.text, ZPhDev.id
>>>    ...> FROM ZPhDev
>>>    ...> INNER JOIN HomeDev ON (HomeDev.id = ZPhDev.id)
>>>    ...> ORDER By HomeDev.text;
>>> And can it speed up my operation?
>> Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_%28database%29 and see if 
>> you can find any indication that a (non-materialised) view speeds 
>> anything up at runtime.
> Thanks,but I can't find anything about how can I speed it up on wiki. 

Three possibilities, any one or more or all of which could be true: the 
information about how a non-materialised view can speed up a query is:
(1) there but you can't find it.
(2) not there because the wiki authors left it out for some reason.
(3) not there because such a view can't speed up a query.

Here's a hint: re-read the section on Equivalence, which says in essence 
that selecting from a view makes the programmer's job easier, but at 
runtime it's just a text substitution exercise. There's a very close 
parallel to using functions in procedural programming languages -- 
replacing say 3 copies of the same code with one copy plus 3 calls to it 
  has little effect on the runtime speed.
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