> It'll work, but SQLite does not use a balanced tree to store the  
> columns for a particular record.  So if you're seeking the 700th  
> column of a particular row, it has to look through 699 others before  
> it gets to it.  Unless you always handle all the columns of a row  
> together, it'll be slow.
Thanks for this information, it is helpful for me.

> Because of speed, and the difficulty of correctly handling such a long  
> INSERT line, it's usually better to break this down into properties.   
> So instead of
> ID      prop1   prop2   prop3   prop4
> --      -----   -----   -----   -----
> 1       rec1p1  rec1p2  rec1p3  rec1p4
> 2       rec2p1  rec2p2  rec2p3  rec1p4
> Do
> ID      propNumber      propValue
> --      ----------      ---------
> 1       1               rec1p1
> 1       2               rec1p2
> 1       3               rec1p3
> 1       4               rec1p4
> 2       1               rec2p1
> 2       2               rec2p2
> 2       3               rec2p3
> 2       4               rec2p4
Unfortunately I can't use such design because in this case I will not
able to find in the database such data as I need (I described problems
with which I faced in
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