On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:58 AM, Fred Williams wrote:

> Fine for me.  It seems to be everybody else that wants their favorite
> feature imbedded in the core :-)
> Fine grained locking would be a great "asset" I feel.  Notice I did  
> not
> request a "feature."

On my to-do list is to write a paper that explains why fine-grain  
locking is not practical without either (1) a dedicated server process  
to manage the locks or (2) enhancements to OS locking primitives that  
are not currently available on any OS that I am aware of.  There is a  
widely held belief that since OSes provide byte-level locking of files  
it should be a simple matter to provide row-level locking in a  
serverless database engine.  The proposed paper will explain why that  
belief is incorrect.

D. Richard Hipp

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