On Sep 21, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Barton Torbert wrote:

> My data are dates in the format;
> I am trying to use the function strftime () to convert the data to  
> seconds since 1970-01-01.  I was hoping that within a WHERE clause   
> or the ON condition in an OUTER JOIN.
> What I wanted to do was something like this;
> SELECT t1.dateitem1,
>                 t2.dateitem2
> FROM table1 t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 t2 ON
>          strftime ('%s', t1.dateitem1) BETWEEN strftime  
> (t2.dateitem2) - 600 AND
> strftime (t2.dateitem2) + 600
> Where columns dateitem1 and dateitem 2 are both declared as DateTime  
> fields.
> Can this ( or something like it ) work?

You left out the '%s' on the second two strftime() calls....

I think the following will likely run faster if you have an index on  

SELECT ... FROM table1 AS t1 LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2
  WHERE t2.dateitem2 BETWEEN datetime(t1.dateitem1, '-10 minutes') AND  
datetime(t1.dateitem1,'+10 minutes');

D. Richard Hipp

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