Stephan Wehner wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Simon Slavin
> <> wrote:
>> On 22 Sep 2009, at 10:49pm, Simon Davies wrote:
>> If you're going to need to import such files frequently, you might
>> need to write some code to do the import properly.
> Hey there,
> Its not necessarily difficult to use a scripting language, such as
> Perl, Ruby, or Python,
> to parse the CSV file and write to your database.
> For example, Ruby has a "gem" called fastercsv. Such a script would
> have around 10 lines of code.
> Would also be more robust in the long run.
Also, it helps to have a small script that dumps out all the unique 
characters using in your input data.. so you can pick a delimiter 
better, if you really need it.

9/23/2009 | 9:28 AM.

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