On Sep 25, 2009, at 7:33 PM, Wilson, Ronald wrote:

> I read the RFC last night

Oh, my...

Programming in Lua has a nice, concise example regarding CSV parsing  
(near the end of the page):



To break a CSV into an array is more difficult, because we must avoid  
mixing up the commas written between quotes with the commas that  
separate fields. We could try to escape the commas between quotes.  
However, not all quote characters act as quotes; only quote characters  
after a comma act as a starting quote, as long as the comma itself is  
acting as a comma (that is, it is not between quotes). There are too  
many subtleties. For instance, two quotes may represent a single  
quote, two quotes, or nothing:

"hello""hello", "",""

Clear as mud? :D

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