On 24/09/2009 12:02 AM, hfdabler wrote:
> Hello to all, 
> Being in a pretty much international company, I have come here to ask a few
> things about ETL tools and their different languages. 

Why? The principal focus of this mailing list is SQLite and its C APIs, 
not ETL.

> We have offices in the US, in Europe (Italy, France) and in China. We think
> English is fine but our European team and Chinese team especially would like
> to get software in their language. 
> What we are trying to find is an ETL program to perform data integration,
> data synchronization and deduplication on our database in French, Italian
> and especially in Chinese. 

I presume that you mean that the /user interface/ should work in those 
languages. To handle Chinese /data/, you may need to source a separate 
program in China ... a Western-origin program would need a 
Chinese-specific deduplication module, developed with the aid of Chinese 
experts -- soundex, metaphone, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein and such-like 
don't grok non-alphabetic languages.

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