Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 7 Oct 2009, at 7:20pm, Adam DeVita wrote:
>> regarding this
>> " The fault is that
>> almost nobody does it right: they neglect to keep an 'unaltered
>> central copy' and think they can cross-apply journals each time two
>> databases talk to one-another.  That does not work for various  
>> reasons."
>> Would a central repository of journals that can be applied to local
>> repositories be sufficient?  I suppose I assume that running the same
>> program on N workstations with the same set of journals should  
>> produce N
>> identical results.
> The problem comes when you apply multiple journals in a different  
> order. Start with each site with identical copies of a TABLE with  
> three clients: one managed by Mr. Green, one by Mr. Red, and one by  
> Mr. Black.  'G R B'.  Then, in this order ...
> Mr. Green goes on holiday ...
> Site A says that all Mr. Green's customers will be handled by Mr. Red.
> UPDATE clients SET contact = 'red' WHERE contact = 'green'
> Mr. Red goes on holiday ...
> Site B says that all Mr. Red's customers will be handled by Mr. Black.
> Then Mr. Green comes back from holiday, and Mr. Black goes on holiday  
> so ...
> Site C says that all Mr. Black's customers will be handled by Mr. Green.
> Then they all synchronise databases.  See if you can make them all end  
> up with the same data if they synch against each-other rather than a  
> central unaltered copy of the databases.  Doesn't work: one site might  
> have 'B B B', another 'R B R'.  You can do it only by luck ... by  
> happening to know in which order people went on holiday.  However, if  
> you always synch against a central unaltered copy of the database you  
> can synch in any order.  Once everyone has synchronised you distribute  
> a copy of the central database to everyone and they all have identical  
> data once more.  That's the simplest setup.  You can get more  
> complicated by having each site remember which journals they've played  
> back.


Isn't this a variation of the DVCS problem?   In other words, would it 
be correct in saying that the underlying issue is treating this as a 
database problem, rather than it being a versioning problem which 
happens to involve a database?

I ask because there are two separate projects which involve this sort of 
issue which I have simply deferred for the time being.

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