Hi there, I'm a new member of the mailing list. Nice to meet you all.

BTW, I've got one problem that's been bugging me for weeks.

Occasionally (not always), I got a seg fault at "static void
sqlite3MemFree(void *pPrior)". It happened when I do sqlite3_reset or
sqlite3_finalize. The pPrior or p pointer isn't null so it should've been
freed without error IMHO. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with it? Thanks
a lot in advance.

Fare thee well,
Bawenang R. P. P.

"If a picture is worth a thousand words, an animations is worth a thousand
pictures. And to take that a step further, a game is worth a thousand
animations." – Peter Raad, Executive Director, The Guildhall at SMU


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