On Oct 16, 2009, at 3:08 AM, Dennis Volodomanov wrote:

> Dan Kennedy wrote:
>> I don't think the triggers you are using can be implemented using
>> foreign keys. Your triggers are basically reference counting (or
>> garbage collecting, whatever you want to call it) - "when the
>> number of references to a data item drops to zero, delete the
>> data item".
> Yes, exactly.
>> You could add a foreign key to this schema to prevent the DataID
>> column of TableA from being populated with an invalid id (one
>> that does not refer to any id of the TableData table).
> I do that check when I add entries to TableA in any case, so probably
> that's best left as-is.
> Is there any gain in terms of performance when doing lookups on TableA
> with JOINs with TableData when there're FOREIGN KEYs defined? Does
> SQLite internally optimize queries better in such cases?

No performance gain for joins or anything like that. Using FK
constraints does not affect SELECT performance. They slow down
some INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations though.


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