2009/10/22 Scott Baker <bak...@canbytel.com>:
> I'm trying to .import a CSV file and I can't quite figure out the syntax.
> I created a table, and then did:
> .separator ,
> .import /tmp/foo.csv mytable
> This works sort of, unless my data has , in it. Something like "last,
> first". Because it tries to split at that , and then the number of rows
> doesn't match my table.
> Then I tried setting the separator to
> .separator \",\"
> Which works correctly (i.e. it splits the data properly). However, now my
> first and last columns have " on the beginning/end of them. Is there a way
> to import a well formed CSV.
> My CSV data looks like this:
> "38665","101977","Deadly Sparrows Inc.","1435 S. Doolis
> Ln","Donkville","OR","90210","Doolis, Jason","5032349422","Active"
> Help!

There was a discussion on csv import a little while ago:

In essence, you need to do some work if your field separator character
appears inside your data fields.

One solution is to replace your existing separators  (,) with a
character that does not exist in your data, specify that character as
the separator to sqlite, and you should be good to go .import.

> --
> Scott Baker - Canby Telcom
> System Administrator - RHCE - 503.266.8253

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