> Don't worry: we're all confused with MS wording!  For what I
> having also myself tried to sort out the question, is that there is a 
> line drawn: before XP unicode support included was nothing else than 
> UCS-2 (W2K).  Xp and post-XP system include Unicode 5.1 and use UTF-16

> encoding.  This is from 2005:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/2005/05/11/416552.aspx

Thanks for the link. That clarifies things a lot. So, for the OP, if you
are targeting Win2k, it would be a good idea to use UCS-2, not UTF-16,
with any wide API calls. XP and above should (according to Kaplan and
Chen) support UTF-16 for API calls.

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