
Add SQLite database to your current site and write to it too. You
will see how this work on you environment.

About your site load. 60/80 Concurrent users with common query 
time about 50 ms produce 1200/1600 requests per second.
"10 concurrent writers" with "4/7  Insert or Update per request"
can produce about 1 kB data by transaction and so 200kB data per 
second (20 tps as above). By 86400 second per day and 365 day per 
year your site produce ~6 TB database!
This is not a small project :-)

May be you speak about user sessions? User session can continue
a lot of times but total requests count can be small.

I'm using SQLite for few GB databases but with ~1000 concurrent
sessions. See some my tests and results here
Article is russian but you can read sql listings. And I did add a few
english comments.

I can add that time of the creating new SQLite db connection is about 
0.5 ms and so you can open database 2000 times per second on 
single-core processor. So the total amount of readers can be huge.

P.S. GeoIP by SQLite
Try to download the dataset and test it on your site.

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
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