According to this I have also a question. I use some values for some  
gamedata and use the played days, hours, minutes and seconds and put them  
in one column. I use . as an seperator. Does it still is an integer or do  
i need to change the column type to text or blob?

Using 4 columns - one for each thing would be not really a good thing,  
because it easier for me to separate them in one array as have each alone.  
I thought a day value would also not the real thing. Or does it would be  

- Artur -


Am 02.01.2010, 11:01 Uhr, schrieb Simon Slavin <>:

> On 2 Jan 2010, at 9:54am, Bert Nelsen wrote:
>> I am trying to save values like to my database but I  
>> haven't
>> found the appropriate column type yet. Can anybody help please.
>> I am using the dhRichClient command object, but even Int64 isn't large
>> enough.
> There are only five datatypes in SQLite3, and one of them doesn't store  
> a value:
> <>
> If you need values that large you can't use INTEGER.  If you need  
> precision to the 1 then you can't use REAL.  So you can store those only  
> as TEXT or BLOB.  Would TEXT work for you ?
> Simon.
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