Thanks for the answers. At the first place I wanted to use rowid to save
space (since rowids always exist). After reading the replies I changed
declaration of ID to the one without AUTOINCREMENT and manually fill the
consecutive values starting current max(rowid)+1. So rowids still used but
now they're under my full control.

I have a query "INSERT ... SELECT" and after it performed it I have to to
> store range of rowids (autoincrement) of the inserted rows. While max(rowid)
> for right bound seems ok, assuming max(rowid)+1 for the left bound (before
> the query) depends on the fact whether there were deletes from the table
> before. If there were deletes, my estimation will differ from the actual
> value. So is there a correct way to know the range of rowids in this case or
> just to know for sure "expected" rowid in similar cases?
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