On Jan 10, 2010, at 4:50 AM, Max Vlasov wrote:

> Documentation says that INTERSECT implemented with temporary tables  
> either
> in memory or on disk. Is it always the case?


If there is an ORDER BY clause, SQLite may run each subquery as a  
separate co-routine and merge the results.  If the ORDER BY on both  
subqueries can be computed using indices, then the INTERSECT will run  
in either linear or logarithmic time (depending on what indices are  
available) and in constant space.  This is also true of UNION and  

If there is an ORDER BY clause but there does not exist indices needed  
to implement the ORDER BY for one or both subqueries, then the  
subquery might get evaluated into a temporary table, and sorted there,  
prior to the merge step.

I *think* it will always be the case that if an INTERSECT query has an  
ORDER BY clause and if sqlite3_stmt_status(db, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT,  
1) returns 0, then the query does not use temporary tables and runs in  
constant space.  But I might be wrong.  And in any event, that rule is  
subject to change in a future release if we decide we can get better  
performance by doing things differently.

D. Richard Hipp

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