I have to admit my confusion with incremental i/o functions.
I am not sure that problem, which I encountered, is due to
internal bug in my program, I hit a Sqlite bug or Sqlite behaves properly. I
would greatly appreciate any comments! 
First, the incremental i/o looked as a God’s sent gift to me.
Being able to just read or write a portion of the blob looked like a huge time
saving and great advantage over the traditional approach.
So, I coded accordingly.  I thought that I could keep the same handle to the 
blob forever as long
as I do not touch the row where my blob is located. At least that is my
understanding of the documentation. 
Soon, I discovered that after some updates to other table my
blob handle is no longer valid.  The
problem was not consistent; some updates would invalidate the handle some would
My solution to the problem seems (to me) a crude one. Before
any update I close all blob handles do an update on reopen the blobs. 

If anyone using incremental i/o could confirm that this
is general practice I would be thankful! 

Thank you kindly,
 (Since I can split my blob in parts and do a 'traditional' update only
to the required part the need to frequently close and open  blobs seems
like an overhead.) 

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