Even though SQLite is small enough to be embedded in a phone, there are 
quite a few questions here about large databases and performance 
optimization.  My question fits in with the latter. Have the SQLite 
architects considered adding hash key as an option to the b-tree?

One of the main tables in my current (lexicographic) database in SQLite 
would be a prime candidate for hash keys. It contains many rows, is 
never sorted, subsets are almost never extracted from it (i.e.groups of 
rows are not extracted using some common attribute) and almost every 
query fetches thousands of records from this table by their PK.  In such 
a scenario, hash-keys can be faster than b-trees.  I don't mean to 
suggest that SQLite is slow, just the contrary. I'm very pleased with 
its performance and would call it "blistering".  But I am looking 
forward to a much larger database.

The first database I ever worked with was optimized for OLTP and used 
sparse tables with hashed primary keys. The algorithm was right-weighted 
and sequential numbers worked well as PKs.  Hash keys delivered 
excellent performance when inserting or retrieving records even if the 
table contained millions of rows. Contention was minimized. No need for 
table locks,  row locks sufficed. New records were interspersed not 
appended to a caboose, so in a busy data-entry scenario processes 
weren't wanting to claim the same block. And there was no b-tree 
structure to keep balanced. The tradeoff was that sorting and selecting 
*groups* of records based on a column value was relatively slow because 
the tables were sparse and the physical order of records was totally 
driven by the hash value of the key: you had to do a full table scan to 
select a subset.  B-trees were later added to address those issues.

Tim Romano

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