My use of SQLite is within a Apache module and Axis2/C web services.
Every request invokes a unique call to sqlite3_open_v2, most of the
time there are multiple calls to sqlite3_open_v2 in one request. For
example the module part, which sends configuration to the web servers
calls sqlite3_open_v2 as read only to initialize the web service, it
closes the connection prior to the web service being called.  Next the
web service will open up the database in either read/write or read,
depending on what it is doing.

I am using my first transaction, which I think it working fine, except
I am getting some strange behavior with a call that is made
immediately after the transaction.

(This client is a test harness designed exclusively to test web
services, no other clients are running and only in instance of the
Apache process is running.  I am able to change the order quickly and
easily, and this order is not indicative to the order things will
normally be called in.)

1: Client calls the web server method setDefaultIsInSlideShow () as to
have it return the current state, aka read only.
2: The client calls the method enableSlideShow() which creates and
commits the transaction all in one call, code to follow.
3: The client calls setDefaultIsInSlideShow() again, this time to set
the value.  It is this time the sqlite3_step() returns SQLITE_BUSY,
EVERY time.

When I move #3 into the #1 spot, it works fine.  What is really
strange is even when I removed the BEGIN TRANSACTION/COMMIT
TRANSACTION, I continued to get the error when #3 is #3.  So at this
point I really don't know what the issue might be.  Oh, another
strange fact, the two databases are DIFFERENT files.  The transaction
happens in the event database, the other call acts on the system
database.  Since I am totally stumped, I am posting the code as
complete as I can make it:  It is broken up into a number of different
functions in my code, but I will try to consolidate it as much as
possible while not leaving out details:

/********** #2: enableSlideShow *********/

"UPDATE Customer SET IsInSlideShow = ?2 WHERE CustomerId = ?1"

"UPDATE Customer SET IsInSlideShow = ?2 WHERE CustomerId <> ?1"

        // Make note this is a different database file then the call below
        int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(pCfg->pszEventDB, &db,
        rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);

        rc = UpdateSlideShowTable(env, db,
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = UpdateSlideShowTable(env, db,

        if( rc == SQLITE_OK)
                rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "COMMIT TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);
                rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", NULL, NULL, NULL);

static int UpdateSlideShowTable(const axutil_env_t *env, sqlite3 *db,
const char *zSql, int nByte, int nCustomerId, axis2_bool_t bEnable)
        adb_imageDTO_t* pImageDTO = NULL;
        sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
        const char* pzTail = NULL;
        int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, nByte, &stmt, &pzTail);
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_bind_int( stmt, 1, nCustomerId);
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_bind_int( stmt, 2, bEnable ==
AXIS2_FALSE ? 0 : 1);
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
        if(rc == SQLITE_DONE)
                return SQLITE_OK;
        return rc;

/********** #3: setDefaultIsInSlideShow() that is a reader/writer *********/

        "UPDATE DBLookup SET ItemValue = ?1 WHERE Category = 'SystemSettings'
AND ItemName = 'DefaultIsInSlideShow'"

        // Make know that this is a different database file then the call above
        int rc = sqlite3_open_v2(pCfg->pszSystemDBFile, &db,
        sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
        const char* pzTail = NULL;
        rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, SQL_CMD(SQL_INSERT_DEFAULTISINSLIDESHOW),
&stmt, &pzTail);
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_bind_int( stmt, 1, bValue ==
AXIS2_FALSE ? 0 : 1);
        if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_step(stmt); // *** This returns
SQLITE_BUSY every time it is called AFTER the transaction above,
whether or not the transaction statements are present.
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