On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Scott Hess <sh...@google.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Tim Romano <tim.rom...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Of these three:
>> select c from T where 1=2                 // returns 0 rows
>> select min(c) from T where 1=2         // returns 1 row
>> select min(88,99) from T where 1=2  // returns 0 rows
>> the only case that "threw" me is the second one, where a row is returned
>> despite a WHERE condition that should yield an empty set (or so I thought).
> The first and last cases will run for each row in the WHERE clause.
> The second case is aggregating over all c, and will always return one
> row, even if the WHERE clause selects many rows, so it is consistent
> for it to return one row if the WHERE clause selects for no rows.
> It's as if you coded it like this:
> meaning the minimum of that set of inputs, and if that set is empty,
> there is no minimum, so you get a result of NULL, but not no result,
> if you see what I mean.

That is a great explanation. Another way to think about it is to go
from right to left. In first and third cases, the WHERE clause is true
for 0 rows, and so SELECT is unable to return anything. In the second
case also the WHERE clause returns 0 rows, but there is no Min defined
for 0 rows, so a NULL is returned.

Now, you may ask, how is Min(88,89) different from Min(c), and that is
where the note from the docs I sent comes in. The Min(x,y..) form
makes min() perform like a simple function such as Sin() or Left(),
etc. But when given a single argument, Min() operates as an aggregate
function if given only a single argument. Consider

sqlite> SELECT Min(88,89) WHERE 1=2;
sqlite> SELECT Min(88) WHERE 1=2;


Note that Min(88) is returning a NULL row while Min(88,89) is not
returning anything.

> -scott
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