On Mar 11, 2010, at 11:13 PM, Skand wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Whats going on here? I would expect the following delete to delete
> everything under 9999999999.
> sqlite> .schema
> CREATE TABLE ip_domain_table (ip_domain TEXT, answer TEXT, ttl  
> PRIMARY KEY(ip_domain, answer, ttl));
> sqlite> select count(*) from ip_domain_table where ttl < 9999999999 ;
> 1605343
> sqlite> pragma cache_size=100000; delete from ip_domain_table where  
> ttl <
> 9999999999;
> sqlite> select count(*) from ip_domain_table where ttl < 9999999999 ;
> 258
> sqlite> select * from ip_domain_table where ttl < 9999999999 limit 1;
> The first "select" shows that there are 1605343 entries which have  
> ttl below
> 9999999999. So after the following delete, shouldn't the number of  
> entries
> go down to 0? If the TTL corresponding to these entries were  
> something else,
> why should they be counted for in the select in the first place? The  
> delta
> of entries between the two selects should be 0.
> Do I have some fundamental misunderstanding about how sqlite stores  
> values
> in database?

Seems strange to me too.

What version of SQLite? Does running "PRAGMA integrity_check" reveal
any problems with the database file?


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