On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:26 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> My real database is too ridiculous to explain here, so here is an analogy:
> Table 1: Authors        -- columns id (INTEGER PRIMARY KEY), name (TEXT)
> Table 2: Books          -- columns id (INTEGER PRIMARY KEY), author 
> (INTEGER), title (TEXT)
> When I enter a new book, I want the author to default to the last author in 
> the database.  (For the sake of this example you can ignore tricks involving 
> deleting authors and reusing ids.)
> Suppose I add an author, than many books, then another author and many books 
> by the second author.  According to
> http://www.sqlite.org/syntaxdiagrams.html#column-constraint
> I can use an expression as the default value.  Can I use max(something) to do 
> what I want and, if so, how ?  I'm drawing a blank on the syntax and I can't 
> seem to google up an example.
> If it's not possible to do it this way, I assume I can use a TRIGGER to reset 
> the author field.  I tried that and it worked but using a default constraint 
> would be more elegant.

I am pretty sure you can't. Max(id) is not a standalone, column
expression such as Sin() or Length(). It is an aggregate expression
available inside a query, and not only that, you want to use Max(id)
from a different table.

Only way to get Max(id) is via 'SELECT Max(id) FROM table', which
would render your table definition as

  title TEXT,
  author INTEGER DEFAULT (SELECT Max(id) FROM authors)

and that just ain't gonna work.

A TRIGGER is the most elegant solution, and trivial to implement.

> Simon.
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