For someone who doesn't read C, could someone who knows  please describe 
the SQLite INTERSECT algorithm? What optimizations are available to it? 
Does INTERSECT have to assume that neither vector is pre-sorted? Here's 
the background of my question:

For latitude/longitude queries, I was speculating that after a table had 
reached some unknown number of rows, INTERSECTing two vectors of rowids 
might be faster than an INNER JOIN in which only one index had been 
chosen by SQLite, the one on LAT or LON, which would require reading the 
base table in order to fetch the other geo-values.  The count of 
matching rowids extracted via the index is the number of rows that would 
have to be read from the base table in order to examine the other 
geo-column's value. I supposed that with an INTERSECT, one could select 
the rowids of those tuples that met the latitude criteria, and INTERSECT 
these with the rowids of those tuples that met the longitude criteria, 
so that each select could use an index. However, the INNER JOIN with a 
single index was always faster in my tests, though I never tested with 
more than a million rows.  So it seems that intersecting two vectors of 
rowids is more expensive than using one index and reading the base table 
to get the other geo-value, either that, or the point at which INTERSECT 
becomes faster than INNER JOIN is well beyond the size of my test database.

Tim Romano
sqlite-users mailing list

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