On 27 Mar 2010, at 10:46am, GeoffW wrote:

> Just for educational purposes I have been experimenting a little with 
> the Northwind Sqlite database contained on the sqlite official site.
> Download link: http://download.vive.net/Northwind.zip.
> Am I misunderstanding here or are the dates in the wrong format for 
> sqlite within this converted database ?

> Assuming it is wrong and not my understsanding, are there any easy 
> ways to get the dates reversed and corrected to sqlite order and 
> written back out to the database ?

Perhaps this is better performed in the calling language, but the following sql 
should reformat these dates.  Of course, you'd need to substitute and repeat 
for the other fields.

-- Reformat date from, e.g., '1/5/2010 12:00:00 AM'  to  '2010-01-05'

update employees
  set birthdate = replace (birthdate, ' 12:00:00 AM', '');

update employees
  set birthdate = '0' || birthdate
  where substr(birthdate, 2,1) == '/';
  update employees
  set birthdate =
       substr(birthdate, 1, 3)
    || '0'
    || substr(birthdate, 4,99)
  where substr(birthdate, 5,1) == '/';
-- Date should now be formatted as dd/mm/yyyy
-- Now change to yyyy-mm-dd

update employees
  set birthdate =
         substr(birthdate, 7,4)
      || '-'
      || substr(birthdate, 1,2)
      || '-'
      || substr(birthdate, 4,2);
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