Hi Allan,

> Instead of adding the definition
> cmd ::= set_item.
> have you thought about defining the acceptable alternatives to "SET"?
> For instance,
> set ::= SET.
> set ::= .
> cmd ::= set set_list.

Thank you for the suggestion.  I have just tried this and unfortunately, it 
doesn't work in my scenario, but still causes a parsing error in the same 

Hi Ron,

> Have you tried implementing your parser in BISON or any other parser
> generator?  Many of the same lessons apply and I bet the BISON users
> list would be more helpful than the sqlite users list.

I haven't tried Bison: Lemon seemed so much easier to use and understand, 
and has been otherwise perfect for the task in hand.  However, if I have 
some time, I will look into trying it in Bison instead.

If I find an answer I'll post it here!...



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