On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> Does SQLite actually use byte-range locking ?  I thought it always locked
> the entire file.
Simon, I think it's about the way sqlite implements different locks, a quote
from os.h

** A SHARED_LOCK is obtained by locking a single randomly-chosen
** byte out of a specific range of bytes. ...
** An EXCLUSIVE_LOCK is obtained by locking all bytes in the range.
** There can only be one writer.  A RESERVED_LOCK is obtained by locking
** a single byte of the file that is designated as the reserved lock byte.
** A PENDING_LOCK is obtained by locking a designated byte different from
** the RESERVED_LOCK byte.

It was a note about windows, but there's also a phrase "The same locking
strategy and byte ranges are used for Unix."

Max Vlasov,
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