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On 06/05/2010 08:20 AM, noel frankinet wrote:
>> I see windows 2000 as the finest os that redmont has produced. You'd 
>> better not develop on the latest ms os if you want to have some 
>> installed base.

Your opinion is fine, but someone has to bear the burden of supporting
increasingly outdated operating systems.  For example I have a Mac running
OSX 10.3.  The open source software I use (eg Firefox and Emacs) do not run
on it anymore because they were not willing to bear that burden.  And pretty
much no one supports Windows 98 these days for the same reason.

>> I did not know that mingw was using msvcrt.dll. But anyway, its there, 
>> in system directory, so it should run fine.

The thing you missed is that there is no one msvcrt.dll.  There was one
version shipped with the operating system, then updated versions with new
functionality and bug fixes shipped with Microsoft compilers, service packs
and other updates.  On install applications were placing whatever versions
they wanted into the system directory and not necessarily doing that right.
 This is why it is possible for SQLite3.dll to work just fine on one system
but not another.

With XP the dll became a protected system file and Windows went to great
lengths to ensure that any installer futzing with it would have the actions
reversed.  Microsoft also started numbering the dll shipped with the C
compiler, and said applications should install the dll in their program
directory (which is searched first before system directories).  They also
introduced sxs where the system managed multiple versions of dlls and that
whole mess.


Consequently XP and later systems are far less likely to have problems with
incorrect msvcrt.dll.


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