Daniel Stutzbach wrote:
> Are there any other known ways that the database might become corrupt?

My list of possible causes would be:
1) File/Disk corruption by the OS. On Windows, this can happen if the
system suffers a power loss in the middle of a write, most noticeable
when you're writing a large amount of data to a file (I realise it
shouldn't happen, but I've seen it a number of times, especially on
embedded XP devices);
2) File corruption by a separate app doing something naughty to the file
(e.g. a virus).
3) Something in your app is corrupting the stack or memory used by
SqLite. That can cause no end of problems, and is usually very hard to
pin down unless you can reproduce it.

If this is the first report you've ever had on this, and you have a fair
few systems installed out in the field, my bet would be on #1.

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