On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> On 6 Jul 2010, at 10:42pm, Peng Yu wrote:
>> I could create tables in database B to select all the data from
>> database A and insert them in B. I don't find any simpler way to copy
>> all tables from A to B. But I may miss something.
>> I'm wondering if there is a very simple single command that can just
>> copy all the tables from database A to database B. Could you please
>> let me know?
> If you are not worried about other users who may be using the database at the 
> same time, then you can simply use file commands to copy the database file as 
> a normal file on disk.

I've thought about copying db files. But the problem is that the
destination db might already have some tables in it and I don't want
to override them.

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