
When tracing down bugs in an application that uses SQLite, I have
repeatedly faced the problem that I wanted to send (or get) a copy of
the sqlite database without disclosing potentially sensitive contents.

I think it would be fantastic if SQLite had a build-in crypt() function,
so that I could simply copy the database and then do

UPDATE my_secret_contacts SET name=crypt(name, 'bz'), phone=crypt(phone,

i.e., scramble all the information but keep the structure intact.

So far I have been using a program that does just that, but the program
obviously has to do a SELECT query and update one row at a time.

Therefore I was wondering what the opinions are about including a
crypt() function in SQLite itself. Is that a sensible idea or nonsense?
Is someone willing to implement this? If I tried to implement this
myself, would my patches have a chance of getting accepted?



 »Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«

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