.dump copies the insert statements from the table along with the data by doing 
a 'select *'.
You will want to make sure you import or read the file with the same settings 
as the .dump was done in.

.show will show the settings for mode, separator, etc.
To export to a csv from a table might look something like this;

.mode csv
.separator ,
.output mytable.csv
.dump mytable

When getting ready to read or import the file you will want to basically do the 
same thing;

.mode csv
.separator ,
.read/.import mytable.csv


-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@sqlite.org] 
On Behalf Of john knops
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 6:57 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: [sqlite] Re Populating a database from a file

Thanks for the prompt reply.
What form should the file take. I've tried enclosing the data for each 
column in double quotes and separating them with either a comma, tab or 
space but I get an error "expected 5 columns but only found 1. Using | I 
get "datatype mismatch"
Also when I use .dump does it destroy the table or just copies it t a 
text file?
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