I'd appreciate any suggestions on good ways to do this, I'm neither an SQL or
sqlite expert, so I might be thinking about it all wrong.

I have something like a (read-only) address book/rolodex, with interactive
searching. As users type into the search box, I need to first know for each
section how many rows match the substring typed so far.  I only display the
rows that are visible on screen.

I have two queries:

(A) I count the rows in a letter group.

If they typed "e":

select substr(name,1,1), count(*) from my_table where name like '%e%'
group by substr(name,1,1);

This is too slow, ~3sec, with 2500 rows, and we want to have 10000 rows.

Worse, when they type "es", the search is as slow after they type "s" as when
they typed "e", even though the "es" rows are a sub-set of the rows that
matched "e".

FTS3 only searches full terms/words by default, but I think if I built a custom
tokenizer that returned all the suffix trees for a name:

"fu bar" => [ "r", "ar", "bar", " bar", "u bar", "fu bar"]

That I could do rewrite query (A) like this:

select substr(name,1,1), count(*) from my_table where name match 'e*'
group by substr(name,1,1);

Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a better way? Has somebody
else done this?

(B) I access specific rows within a letter group.

For visible rows, I fetch them by offset into a letter group, so row 4 in the
"g" section of names containing "e" would be:

select * from my_table where name like "g%" and name like "%e%" order
by name limit 1 offset 4;

The performance for this is OK, right now, I think it's because the first LIKE
can use the index, so the linear scan is over only a few hundred rows. Or it
could be that the on-screen display of each row is slower than the DB search. I
think it might become a problem, though.

I'm not sure how I would rewrite this to use FTS3 if it turns out to be to slow
for a larger DB, maybe a tokenizer that puts the first letter of  the name as
the first letter of every suffix?
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